
Friday, October 19, 2012

Crazed and Confused

I have had a lot going on lately. Even sitting down to type this is a bit overwhelming because I feel like I should be doing other things. So I’m going to make it short and sweet and try to explain why I haven’t been writing for a couple of weeks. I’m sure I’ve missed it way more than any of you out there!

I think the fastest and easiest way to do this is just to list a few things off and you can tell me if you think it’s worth my having missed two weeks of blogging just to do a few little things that I’m sure a more organized person would have struggled far less to do. : )

  • I’m helping with organizing some details and data entry for a benefit auction for Eden’s school. The auction isn’t until next month, but between making a gazillion phone calls to iron out details of the donations and entering everything into the system I’ve been stressing out (to put it mildly)
  • Adaleine’s birthday party is coming up next month, and I’ve been pinning like crazy to figure out what I want to do, how I want to decorate, what I want the cake to look like and what games I want to play. I know this really isn’t a big deal to some people, but it is for me. ; )
  • I volunteered to make some curtains for a friend and to attempt to make a slipcover for her glider. To be honest, I’ve been putting this off because I am SO nervous about the glider covers. I’ve never done anything like it before and certainly not for someone else, so…yeah.
  • We (my sister and I) painted the kiddos’ bedroom at the beginning of the month. I’ve spent the weeks since then trying to figure out what color to paint the living room. I’ve gone through five or six sample pots from Home Depot and narrowed it down to two. Just when I thought I had made my final decision, I read in my Family Circle magazine that Nate Berkus calls one of the other colors I was thinking about his ‘go-to’ paint color. So now I’m back to two colors to choose from. Darn you, Nate Berkus!
  • Trying to find time in the insanity to also start work on Halloween costumes. Eden is going to be Little Bo Peep from Toy Story and Sissy is going to be Jessie. I am going to try to make their costumes myself, but I totally caved and bought Judah Bear’s alien costume off eBay. I know my limits. Kind of.
  • The kids and I made a trip back to my hometown for a few days with the goal of visiting family and friends. Then all of us came down with savage colds right before going so we spent the whole visit lying around and just hanging out. Although, it was actually really relaxing to get to lounge in t-shirt and jeans and just talk to my aunts for almost 48 hours straight, but I was bummed we didn’t get to see some of the friends we’d hoped to. Next time.
  • The day after coming home from our visit, we hit the road again (for just an hour this time) to spend the day at the zoo with my sister and her kids and my dad and his wife. Needless to say the kids slept like rocks that night!

Now that I look at it, it really doesn’t seem like that much. But trust me, I’ve been a little bit crazed. It’s been one of those ‘spin around in circles trying to figure out where to start and I have no idea so I just sit down and read a blog’ couple of weeks. Please tell me you know what I’m talking about! On that note, a big shout out to Young House Love, Bower Power, The Handmade Home and IHeartOrganizing for killing my time the past couple of weeks. I love you all : )

I promise to be back soon! I have so much to talk about (surprise, surprise) and I can’t wait to share. Until then, I leave you with this picture of my kiddos at the zoo last weekend. Miss Eden was sitting on a wet spot where a leaf had previously rested and she made me pay for it with that face. Ah, sweet little munsters!

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