
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Party On! Eden's Gnomeo & Juliet Birthday Party

Before I get started here, let me just say something. I have written this post once already. I am incredibly frustrated because I can’t find it on the computer anywhere so I’m starting from scratch. Very frustrating!

Anyway, here I go again. I wanted to get back to all 12 of my faithful readers who have been on the edge of their seats. You’ve been patiently waiting for me to let you know how Eden’s birthday party went back in June. That’s right. June. Bear in mind this is my second time writing this. Keep your judgments to yourselves. : )

So I told you all about my ideas for Eden’s birthday party here. The theme was Gnomeo & Juliet and the fact of the matter is I totally nailed it. Just sayin’. I wasn’t able to do a lot of crazy expensive stuff, but the stuff that I got done was so much fun!

This was the invitation I put together. I cut out 6,000 Gnomeos & Juliets. (Slight exaggeration)

We had Eden's birthday party on Sunday, June 10th. We had moved to our new house on Saturday the 2nd and I worked like crazy to get settled in time for her party. Oh, and did I mention that we also made the trip to my sister’s in Omaha for another birthday party the day before? And that we took extended family pictures the morning of Eden’s birthday party, also in Omaha? Just so the insanity of the day is clear. : )

Here are some of our little friends prepping for cupcake duty

We had a bit of rain right before the party which could have made the outdoor festivities slightly horrible. But it cleared up just in time for us to enjoy near 90-degree weather for the afternoon. We had over 30 people in attendance with kids and grown-ups alike. The kiddos could choose to play Pin the Hat on the Gnome, Bowling for Gnomes, or run the Lawnmower Race Course. The lawnmower races were a big hit and all the kids were sweaty and ready for refreshments when the time came.

A friend of mine made Eden's Juliet outfit especially for her big day! She loved it!

I found this gnome bowling set online and picked up a couple of larger bouncy balls from Target for the kiddos to use

My sweet hubby drew the Gnomeo and Juliet posters and cut out all of those little hats. Yay for Mr. Bug!

For sweets and treats, we served Pink Flamingo Punch (strawberry slushy punch), Muddy Gnome Crackers (graham crackers dipped in chocolate), Wiggly Snail Jigglers (Jell-O jigglers cut into snail and hat shapes), and Lil’ Shroom Cupcakes (pretty self-explanatory). They were a hit all around!

Here are our Lil' Shroom Cupcakes. I tried a few different decorations, but my favorites are the pinwheels : )

I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of this story. I’ll be back before too long; Sissy’s birthday is next month and I’ve got ideas out the wazoo! Rainbow Party, here we come!

Here are the dessert tables. My awesome sister made the circle garlands for me 

My little labels for the treats : ) These were fun to make
For a fun thank-you for all of her fabulous gifts, I had prints of this made to send out. This may be my new 'thing' : )

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