
Friday, November 30, 2012

A Letter to Adaleine on her Fourth Birthday

This is a letter I wrote for Adaleine late the night before her birthday. Since I’m just now getting around to sharing her party, I thought I’d share this too. : )

 Dear Adaleine,

Today you are four years old. I just sat and looked at pictures of all your birthdays and I’m completely overwhelmed with love for you. Your Nana calls you Sunshine and no name could be more fitting!

 I love your 1,000-watt smile. I love your chubby cheeks. I love the way your hands are still squishy, reminding me you’re still my baby girl. I love your beautiful giggle and how much you love to laugh. I love your gorgeous curls! They are such a perfect reflection of your soft and glowing spirit.

 You’re my sunshine on a cloudy day. You’re my brave little soldier. During the weeks and months of dealing with your burns last summer, I was constantly amazed and humbled that God gave me a little girl so strong. So strong that she didn’t complain about the pain. So strong that she didn’t complain about the bandages. And so strong that I know that when you get older and someone asks about your scars you’ll be able to shrug it off and say it was just something that happened to you. They are simply a part of this beautiful package that is YOU.

You’re so fearless. Your first day of preschool you actually waved me away, telling me you were fine and I should go now! I love the fact that even though you are one of the biggest kids in your class, the person you seem most drawn to is the littlest girl. That shows me, my dear little Sissy, that you are pure and sweet to the core. My gentle giant. Taking care of anyone you can and making sure they feel safe and loved.

You are nothing but light. You compliment my hair when it looks awful, tell me I’m such a sweet mommy when you know that I’m struggling, and you love to snuggle up close. I love the way you’ll shrug and make a funny face for no reason at all except to make me smile. I love the way you give so much love to your little brother. The two of you have such a special love that I know you’ll be close for always.

My sunshine. My girl. My brave one. My sweet Adaleine Grace.

I love you.

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