
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Moving Right Along: A Little at a Time

Sometimes feeling at home in a new place is doing something really small. I shared these lamps just over two years ago after I added the little felt flowers to the shades. They've stayed that way since, one on Mr. Bug's bedside table and one on mine.

In the new place, we only have room in the bedroom for one bedside table (hello, awkward layout in the bedroom) so we no longer needed this matching set of lamps to be quite so...matchy. I picked up some little felt gift bag decorations at Target for about $1, added some grosgrain ribbon and voila! A fun new lampshade to brighten up my little desk. : )

Sorry for the bad photo here :) I took it last night with my iPhone
Up until now, the office has just been a dumping ground for boxes and piles of stuff we haven't known what to do with. But after spending a good chunk of the day yesterday working on getting it cleaned up, I rewarded myself with something less practical and more fun. Because it's the little shots of personality throughout our home that make it really feel like we live here.

I got my little Audrey Hepburn illustration about four years ago from the Jolly Edition shop on Etsy. (I don't think she carries it anymore, but she's got some really beautiful illustrations!) I have kept this card tucked away those years since I got it, just waiting for the perfect place to put it. Well, the other day I decided to stop waiting for perfect and I'm so happy I did. Thanks to The Nester's mantra of 'it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful' I am learning to let go of the idea of perfect. But it really doesn't get much more perfect than Audrey, am I right? : )

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