
Monday, November 11, 2013

A 'Despicable' Halloween

Okay, so I failed miserably with my resolution to blog every day for 30 days. I’m bummed but trying not to be too hard on myself (which is what I would normally do) and just admit that maybe this wasn’t the year for it. I might try again next year, who knows? There are still a couple of posts I’ve got tossing around in my head that go along with my Moving Right Along theme, but I’ll get to them later on. : )
I just wanted to post today and share with you a couple pictures of the munsters from Halloween. I shared last year about their Toy Story themed costumes and how I made them, but this year we went for simple and easy. 
We stuck with keeping all kids in a common theme (which I will do for as long as they’ll let me) and chose another kids movie. Despicable Me! This is hands-down my favorite animated movie right now.
Eden dressed up as Margo, Adaleine was Agnes, and Judah rounded out the trio as Gru. It was really simple and very little effort was required on my part, which I loved. 

 The only minorly crafty things I had to do were add darts to the jacket I found for Miss Eden to wear and to draw stripes onto Sissy's shirt with a marker! My sister crocheted the scarf for Judah, so black shirt and pants completed his outfit with zero effort from me. If only every year could be this easy! Hope you had a happy Halloween and ate all the Milky Ways you could hold. Diet starts tomorrow ; )

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