
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This Tooth Fairy is Nuts

If you read our Christmas letter or follow me on Instagram, you know that Miss Eden lost her first tooth back in November. Since I am apparently certifiably insane, I decided to make her a tooth fairy door similar to those I had seen on Pinterest here and here

Note: this was actually a really silly thing to do at this time. In the month leading up to Thanksgiving I was one of two moms planning the school’s fall party, we had Halloween costumes to prepare, I was trying to pull off Sissy’s Fancy Nancy birthday party, I was making gifts for my sister’s new baby, and then added in traveling all over God’s creation just to put me over the edge. Nuts, I tell you!

Anywho, I knew that Eden would only lose her first tooth once, so I convinced myself that I could handle a little more pressure to make sure that it was uber special for her. I picked up what I needed for the door and box at Hobby Lobby (gotta love those 40% off coupons!) and worked on it in the wee hours after the kiddos had gone to bed. Luckily Eden is one of those kids who will deal with a tooth hanging on by a thread for a loooong time so I had a little extra time to work on it.

The tooth fairy receipt was so much fun, and it will be a great way for us to remember how she lost each tooth. I’m looking forward to recording the details along the way. : ) And Christine over at CMV Studio was so great! I first fell in love with this listing on her Etsy site, but knew that I’d like to use the same thing for each kiddo through the years. After messaging her and asking if she’d consider offering a gender-neutral receipt, she listed this one and I snapped it up!

The letter was inspired by Alicia over at She’s Making Cards and I threw a few of our own details in there as well. (I will include the full text at the end of the post, just in case you can't read it here.) I simply included the letter in the ‘special delivery’ box from Madame Tooth Fairy when Eden found the door in her room. And I sprinkled glitter on it, because my madness knows no bounds.

You may notice that Eden received $6 for this first tooth and let me reassure you that we are not, in fact, made of money. The receipt states that the standard reward for a lost tooth is $1, but that since it was her first she received a $5 ‘first tooth bonus.’ For a little added magic to the tooth fairy money, I sprayed the bills with glitter spray. It is magic, after all.

I hope you enjoyed my little trip to the crazy side! I want to say one thing in all seriousness: don’t do this if you don’t want to. Your kiddo will be super happy with whatever brand of ‘magic’ you subscribe to. Whether it’s a tooth fairy door or a tooth fairy pillow or simply a quarter slipped underneath their pillow. I was stressed out to the max while I was in the process of making this, and in hindsight I don’t think I’d do it again. The best gift you can give your little munster is hugs and snuggles and a momma who’s not nuts. : )

Here is the letter Eden received with her door if you'd like to do something similar. Let me know if you use it! : ) 

My dearest Eden,

I was so thrilled to learn that you lost your first tooth! I know your mommy and daddy have been really excited too!

As soon as your mommy told me you had a loose tooth I had my Helper Fairies set to work making you a special door to hang in your room. Ask your daddy to hang it up for you so that I can use it to visit every time you lose a tooth.

You may open the door whenever you wish, but the magic only works at night when you’re sleeping. That is when I use that door to come to your room and deliver you a special gift for every tooth you lose.

I am so excited to start visiting you! I’ve heard from so many of my fairy workers and from your mommy and daddy that you are a kind and hard-working little girl, and I can’t wait to share with you some of the magic of becoming a young lady.

I will know the exact moment when you lose that tooth, Miss Eden, and will use this door to pay you a visit. In the meantime, be a big girl and be sure to obey your mommy and daddy.

Madame Tooth Fairy

P.S. Your mommy told me that you would like to keep your teeth, and that is no problem at all! Please leave me a note each time I visit to remind me, and I will let you collect them all in a special box your mommy is preparing for you.


  1. The tooth fairy tradition has always been my favorite. I love how interactive it is, from leaving the tooth under the pillow to sneaking quietly at night to get it and leaving the note. That is why I love how idea after idea just pops up, when it comes to making the tradition a bit more special. Thanks for sharing that, Brittany! Kudos and all the best to you! :)

    Freddie Gray @ Ballantyne Center For Dentistry

  2. Wow! You just gave your daughter a very precious childhood experience. I love that magical tooth fairy door! The smile in Eden's face shows how happy she is with that gift. I’m sure that will serve as a motivation for her to take care of her teeth, and to be resilient in going for dental visits. Thanks for sharing that amazing moment, Brittany! All the best to your family!

    Sharon Woods @ Falls Park Dentistry

  3. That fairy door idea is amazing! Also, I like the idea of giving her a 5 dollar bonus, since it was her first time to lose a tooth. Anyway, despite being rewarded for losing a tooth, I hope she still manage to keep her teeth healthy. Thanks you so much for sharing this with us. Have a great day!

    Richard Travers @ Travers Dental Clinic
