
Monday, March 3, 2014

Yearning for a Pretty Soap Pump

This post is not going to be relatable for some people. Sometimes even I can’t get my head around my weirdness, but here goes nothing. 

I’m a total cheapskate. Like, seriously. It’s ridiculous. I will buy the cheapest option of most things and not even think twice. There are some exceptions to this, but for the most part it’s true.

I have been crushing on this soap dispenser for about two years. You think I’m kidding, don’t you? I’m so not. Believe me, I wish I were. But I couldn’t bring myself to spend $9.99 on a soap dispenser. Not when I could get a throw-away pump of soap for $.97 that came with soap in it. I would literally walk by the soap pump almost every time I went to Target thinking ‘This is silly! I’m just going to buy the dang soap pump!’ But I could never bring myself to do it. It just felt too frivolous.

I thought I could settle for something a little cheaper but still pretty like this, so I went for it. It was pretty, the soap that came with it smelled yummy, and it was less than $4. Can’t beat it, right? Well the problem is this: a tall plastic soap dispenser tips over reeeeeally easily. Especially when you have three kiddos 'washing' their hands multiple times a day. So this poor thing spent the majority of its little life flat on its back on the bathroom counter.

But I was willing to work with it! I even refilled it with some equally yummy-smelling Method soap a few times. All the while, my beautifully simple glass soap pump beckoned to me from the shelf.

That all ended yesterday. Passing through Target while picking up a baby gift for a friend I saw this little beauty. She was on clearance for $5.58, she was pretty glass, and she was already filled with soap! After a quick check to make sure I’d be able to remove the label, that baby was in my cart and I was sprinting for the checkout. I may or may not have embarrassed my children by shaking my behind in a little victory dance. 

Now she’s sitting in my bathroom and she’s so happy to be there. I even discovered when I was removing the label that she even has a little rubber ring on the bottom to keep her from sliding around! It’s like we were made for each other. 

The moral of the story? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m not certain it’s healthy to long for a $10 soap pump for two years, but I’m so excited to finally have a simple and pretty soap pump in my bathroom. And I like to think that I’ll appreciate her all the more because of the wait. : )

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