
Friday, May 30, 2014

Judah Sleeps: Bower Power May Picture Party

If you have followed me on Instagram for any length of time, you know that I have a strange addiction to taking pictures of Judah Bear sleeping. I even started using the hashtag #judahsleeps on them, although this odd habit started long before I started hashtagging. 

The challenge for month two of Bower Power’s Picture Party is ‘Sleep.’ (See my month one photo here) The idea was to get a photo of someone sleeping. Obviously this is not hard for me since my son falls asleep pretty much everywhere, but I had to put forth a little more effort in order to capture him with anything but my phone. Here’s what I got. 

The Boy comes into our room almost every night at some point, and on this morning I somehow woke up before the little guy. 

I also went through my Instagram photos and picked some of my favorite #judahsleeps pictures for your viewing pleasure. You’re welcome. : )

1 comment:

  1. Awww what a little buddy! Love how cozy he looks with the paci in the shopping cart. How can that be comfy?! :) He's SO cuuuute!!
