
Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Kinda Like a Nut House...

I’m definitely up later than I should be, but I wanted to try to post and see if Blogger would be nice to me. : )

We have had a crazy busy week around my house! So much so that I really haven’t been able to take any pictures except snapping a few here and there with my phone. We have had a freakishly amazing week with temperatures in the sixties, so we felt like that was God giving us the go-ahead to paint our house. We’re hoping to get it on the market in the next couple weeks, so getting something HUGE and overwhelming like that out of the way is going to be a big relief. I know Mr. Bug will definitely sleep better!

Here is the before of the house.  

Here's Mr. Bug on the first day before we were offered the use of a paint sprayer by some friends we will never be able to repay!

Miss Eden helping Uncle Bug with some painting : )

In the process of scraping, I have seen a mustard color, a light aqua, a darker aqua, and the most recent cream color. We went with the Sherwin Williams color ‘Messenger Bag’ on the advice of a décor-savvy aunt and I’m super pleased with the results. Here’s what it looked like earlier today.

I wish I would have taken a picture at the end of the day, though. In the one above the front trim wasn’t done being painted, which it is now. It looks really amazing—like a completely different house! Even the garage looks great and I was beginning to wonder if that thing was so ugly we were going to be arrested to having it in plain sight. Plus, I got to use the paint sprayer which made me feel very ‘I am woman, hear me roar.’ By the way, paint sprayers are pretty much the best invention ever. Including sliced bread and pacifiers for babies. (I know that sounds extreme but you’ll never understand until you paint two sides of a house with brushes and then use the sprayer for the rest. Seriously.)

Once we get the outside pretty much done, we’re moving on to finishing up a few bigger projects on the inside and then it’s mostly just cleaning and getting STUFF out of the house. I’m going toss-it-out crazy! My poor sister keeps asking me, “Wait, you’re throwing this away?!” I just figure if I don’t need it right now and I can replace it for less than $20 there’s absolutely no reason to pack and/or move it. : )

So signing off for now. Hopefully it won’t be so long before I’m able to post again.

P.S. The one really good thing about how busy I’m staying and how hard we’re working is that I’m sleeping like a rock at night! Sure beats tossing and turning : )

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