
Monday, February 7, 2011

Stick-On Sundays

I’m not a very fancy female. Not terribly emotional even pregnant and I’ve never been the kind of girl who loves to get all glammed up and hit the town. That must be why God gave me a 3½-year-old who loves all things pretty and shiny.

Eden loves getting all dressed up, having pretties in her hair, and she loves wearing the stick-on earrings she got for Christmas. She was going through a couple pairs a day for a while right after the holidays, so I had to make a rule that we only wear our stick-on earrings to church on Sundays. Needless to say, she was devastated. But it makes it even more fun when she gets to wear them!

Well, the girls have spent the last two Saturday nights at different grandparent’s houses, so Miss Eden hasn’t been in church and therefore hasn’t gotten to wear her earrings. This has been a problem for her. : ) So last Sunday morning once she had eaten breakfast and picked out her outfit (she had a very specific idea of what she wanted to wear, by the way) she was very clear that she wanted to pick out her earrings as soon as she had brushed her teeth. She opted for the pretty pink bows to match the bow on her shirt.

Sissy goes more for the eclectic look, so she chose Snow White earrings to complement her dark green dress. I don't ask questions. : )

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