
Monday, February 28, 2011

The 'Necessary' Room ; )

I just realized that I never put up a post about our bathroom! And while this might not seem like too big of a problem for anyone else, I am very excited about it. I actually started a couple of different posts and had trouble uploading pictures so I abandoned them. But I think I’ve got the pictures figured out now (thank you, Picasa Web Albums) so here goes. Warning: I’ve taken quite a few pictures of this particular project, so this could get long. : )

Okay, here’s our lovely bathroom before. This isn’t actually the way before like when we moved in, but this is as far back at my photographic memory goes. (Get it? ‘Photographic’ memory? Hehe.) Anyway, as you can see, it’s a fully functional bathroom in that it has all it really needs to have like toilet, sink, and bathtub. The yellow color was all us; when we moved in it was a yucky cardboard brown color. These people painted the walls, ceiling, and the back of the door all that color so that when you went in and shut the door, you felt like you’d been shipped off for storage. Not cool guys. Not cool at all.

So as far as specifics on the ‘before’ bathroom, you’ve got a standard ugly vanity, standard ugly countertop – which matched the countertop that was in the kitchen, but we replaced that. I’ll show you another time. You’ve got that awful laminate floor… matter how many times I mopped or swept that floor, it still felt dirty. Ugh.

And here’s a little peek at the ugly tile that acts as the tub surround. Unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to get rid of that, but we’re toning it down a bit with a wall color that doesn’t contrast so much.

From the lovely ‘before’ pictures, we transition smoothly into the equally lovely ‘chaos’ pictures. You’ll understand what I mean in a sec. : ) We ripped out the vanity, removed the toilet, laid down much more attractive vinyl tiles, repainted the whole bathroom, and installed a new vanity and sink. That’s right, we’re freaking crazy. Cue pictures of said craziness!

Miss Eden was in charge of handing the vinyl tiles to the guys.

This is where the last little piece of tile goes...

Mr. Bug doesn't really like getting his picture taken, but he does such a nice job painting! : )

My artsy picture of the shower curtain hangers

No more nasty brown floor!

And here are the lovely 'after' photos! These are what I'm hoping to be able to use for our listing when we get it listed to sell.

We weren't able to get rid of that brown tile surround, but at least now it doesn't stand out so much.

So there you have it. My newly-refinished upstairs bathroom. It's great to feel like it's a room that's clean and I no longer have to feel icky just going in there. That's not what you want in a bathroom. We're working on a few updates to the kitchen, so I'll show you those when we're all through.

Sorry again about the long post. : ) This has been a long time coming and you just can't rush something like that!

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