
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Inspired Living Room

Slowly but surely we are getting the house ready to list. I have now taken pictures of three of the four bedrooms, both bathrooms, and the upstairs living room. I won’t share all of them on here, but I’m pretty crazy about my living room so I thought I’d share that with everyone. : )

My inspiration for my living room décor was found in (where else?!) a Better Homes & Gardens magazine. I seriously LOVE that magazine. Specifically, in the January 2010 issue. I had made a few of the calls myself before I found this article, but this brought it all together for me.

I think you should be able to see the article and pictures here:

 I loved the way she made their home something that was beautiful and still functional and fun. I have discovered in my quest for my own style that I really feel best when I’m surrounded by color. (That reminds me of Rachel’s mom in Friends saying she likes being surrounded by jewel tones!) : ) Anyway, I already had the walls painted blue when I found this article and I think I had the artwork above the sofa done too. I got that idea from another magazine, but I can’t find the article or the picture.

So now that you’ve seen my inspiration, here’s my finished product!

By the way, I re-covered those stupid chairs three times! The first time, I finished them with a very cool green and yellow striped fabric and the girls colored on them with crayon THE NEXT DAY. The second time, I used the same fabric again and about 2-3 months later Sissy threw up all over one of them. Then I came across this fabric at Hobby Lobby and it was perfect for the living room, so I went for it. Scotch Guarded the heck out of them and we've done okay so far. (Fingers crossed and knock on wood)

My version is a lot more simple than what she ended up with, but I think that if I continued on in this house for a couple more years it would definitely have evolved. Different pillows, more wall art, definitely a different rug, and I think it would have been cool to do some kind of built-in bench type shelving under the window…different things.

But either way, the living room has been someplace that I am happy to have people walk into. I think that it showcases my little family’s personality pretty well. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we still like to have things look nice. : )

To prove my 'we don't take ourselves too seriously' comment, here are the girls messing up the perfect living room roughly 14 seconds after I finished taking pictures. We have a good time.


  1. seriously, i'm like stalking you...i LOVE this room. the color of the walls is great. did you guys paint all the trim white too? it looks fabulous!

  2. Beautiful. The colors make it look so open and airy. I may use you for consulting :)
