
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blessed Bugs

Hopefully sometime this month we will be welcoming baby bug number three into our lives. Now, anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that baby number three was not in my plan, but I guess this is a good way for me to remind myself that I’m not as in charge as I think I am. (Dang it!)

As excited as we are now, I have to confess that when I first found out I was expecting this little bug I was far from happy. I had gone into the doctor to talk about getting that permanently taken care of—if you know what I mean—since I have had some complications with being a female. (That’s putting it lightly!) He ran a blood test just to be sure and came back in and just told me to look at the bottom of the paper.

There was a stupid resident with my doctor that day (I always get stuck with those stinking residents and PA students) and it was a male. About my age and looking relatively nervous. I figured the last thing he probably needed was some woman breaking down about being pregnant. I mean, we know how it happens, right? It’s never 100% unexpected. And this guy didn’t know that I didn’t want more kids. He didn’t know that I was looking forward to going back to work when Sissy went to school. He didn’t know that Mr. Bug and I had committed to having me home with our children and how tooooootally out of my element I was some days. Poor guy. So instead of standing there and watching a 27-year-old bawl her eyes out, he got to watch her laugh hysterically for a few minutes.

Fast forward about eight months and you’ve got me sitting here in the middle of three major life-changing events. I’m coming up on 38 weeks of pregnancy, we are trying to sell our first house, and Mr. Bug starts a completely new career – in a new city – in one week. Some might call this crazy, but I think that I can much better handle a couple months of complete insanity rather than stretching it all out over six months to a year.

Anyway, back to my original idea in this post. I was not happy about being pregnant for the third time and having baby number three. Also, I was a server for seven years and any group of five or more is a big-top, and they’re annoying. : )

I’ve had some time to get used to the idea, and some time to think about different ways I can try to keep myself sane while staying home for another few years. Starting this blog was a big part of that. I’ve always loved writing and I love that this feels like a connection to the outside world while I’m still in my pajamas.

I’m looking forward to the next few months of figuring out what the heck I’m doing with a blog, three kids, new place, new town, and having my husband gone with a new job. Hopefully, I’ll stay calm cool and collected enough to share it in a somewhat logical manner. : )

Here I am in all my pregnant glory. This was taken last week, so I was about 37 weeks pregnant. I’m freaking enormous.

Here are my sweet girls giving their little brother a hug. They’re so excited, and that’s beautiful to me. : )

1 comment:

  1. Brittney, your gorgeous and as BEAUTIFUL as ever. I love reading your
