
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pretend Like Easter Was Yesterday

I realize that it is ridiculously late to post about Easter, but I wanted to share some pictures of my little munsters in their fancy clothes. We don’t do fancy around here too often. But when we do, we do it up right. ; ) Enjoy!

Here are the kiddos' Easter baskets the night before. Judah got a truck in his that was actually a birthday present from a week earlier that we hadn't opened yet. Yes, we are that lame.

Eden and Adaleine both got Peeps, Reese's eggs, socks and new panties. What, isn't that what everyone puts in their Easter baskets?

In addition to their already stellar basket contents, we had gotten each of the girls a Karen Kingsbury book. Since they didn't fit in the baskets, we sent them on a little hunt for them. I didn't get any pictures of the girls with their books ('cause I'm awesome like that), but we got this one for Eden and this one for Adaleine.


All dressed up and ready for church!

Enjoying the Easter Egg Hunt at church! They all got waaaay too much candy! :)

Is this kid a stud or what? Right? Right?!

Check out that form! He's a natural!

Hope your Easter was enjoyable and you got to spend it with those you love. It's better if we prolong the celebration, right? Like even for a few weeks after it's over? I thought so, too.


  1. What an incredibly gorgeous family you have! I love the pics of them all fancied up. Happy easter! haha :)

  2. your childred are darling, and look like they had a great easter:)

  3. I always wanted to butt hump a Latino girl shes perfect
