
Friday, May 17, 2013

Traveling With Kiddos: Easy Matching Tubes

I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I’m exercising my pop-in rights to share with you a mini project for the munsters.

We’re taking a trip this next week to visit family in Indiana, and rather than play DVDs for the kids the entire 9-10 hour trip I’m trying to find some fun things for them to do in the car. This site has TONS of ideas for fun car activities for kiddos so I’m stealing her ideas. : )

The one idea of hers that I’m for sure doing is this one. Basically it’s a matching game combined with coercing challenging them to use those fine motor skills. And since all my littles are at different stages in their understanding/abilities, I thought I’d share the three different versions I came up with. Oh, you’re welcome. Leave tips on the table.

Here is Eden’s Matching Tube. (On her site she calls them Matching Poles but I immediately thought of strippers. Tubes it is!) Since she’s reading and recognizing words, she gets word matching stickers to match with the words on her pole tube.

Sissy gets numbers on hers. I thought about doing dots on the stickers and having her match them up with the numerals on the tube, but I’m not sure she knows all of her numbers that well and I’d rather she have fun than get frustrated.

For Judah, I just put a sheet of dots on the tube and attached one sheet. I honestly don’t know if he’s going to be interested or able to do it, but this way he at least has all the same tools as his sisters so he won’t feel like he’s missing out. (P.S. The stickers that I got at the dollar section of Target do not stick to the tubes well at all. If you have extra time you could glue them or maybe pricier stickers would work better. No idea)

And there you have it. Each one took me no more than 90 seconds, and I may end up making each of the girls another Matching Tube before we leave on Monday. I guess it really depends on how many trips to the loo we take. Isn’t that such a fancy word? : ) Hope you’re enjoying the beginning of your summer!


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