
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Moving Right Along: Loading Up The U-Haul And Other Things That Move Me


I am so excited to step up and be a part of The Nester’s 31 Days of Blogging! I am also excited to share with anyone willing to listen about my topic of ‘Moving.’ I have a whole boatload of ideas (31 to be exact) and although I’m sure they will change and evolve as the month goes on, I’m pumped to see where I end up!

As I mentioned here, I would like to talk about the physical process of moving in addition to some of the more emotional and figurative ideas that go along with motion. I even thought about calling the series ‘Life in Motion’ but then I decided that sounded too…something for me. Fancy? Put together? Smooth? And since I am none of those things, I decided that ‘Moving Right Along’ would be my new train of thought. It’s got a nice ring to it, dontcha think? : )
If all goes as planned (that’s a laugh!) here is a little bit of what I have planned. A little bit of my moving background, a few tips on preparing to move and some more specific lists to help you stay organized, and some (hopefully) helpful hints on getting settled in after a move. On the more touchy/feely side of things, we’ll talk about the real-life struggles that affect us after a move like figuring out where you fit in along with experiences that move us on an emotional level. Sounds pretty manageable, right? I can just hear Rob Schneider in my head right now. “You can DO it!” Thanks, Rob. You’re a peach.

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