
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Moving Right Along: New Memories in a New Home

We've only lived in the new house for a month and already we've made so many memories here. That's one thing that I actually really enjoy about living in different places like I mentioned here. You get to have so many memories in so many places! Today I'm just sharing a few of my favorite Instagram photos that are now memories in our new place
New bunk beds for the girls meant a great big box to play with, so the munsters colored and decorated it before using it as a boat for their toys.
This was about two weeks in to our time here. He had finally figured out where to go in the middle of the night to find me :)

This was our first morning here (and such poor quality!). Judah looked and looked for a seat on which he could sit and eat his cereal bar before giving up and just sitting on a box.

 The Boy was nice enough to help Daddy put together the aforementioned bunk beds. Note the concentration and raw power.

Here's Judah Bear all set to go have lunch at school with big sister!

We finally live in a house that's not on a busy street! So Sissy is out there riding her bike every chance she gets : )

Our first new house 'injury.' Just a smooshed finger, but I took those closet doors down so fast they didn't know what hit 'em. Punk doors hurting my baby.

The Boy insisted on sleeping with his Superman beanie a couple of nights...not sure if this is cute or weird???

First casualty of the new house. Judah squished a roly poly and Eden was devastated. So she buried him and asked me to take a picture of his grave. Judah continued playing in the dirt.

First badge from Awana Sparks! We've never done Awana until this year, so it's been fun to have something brand new in this house.

All of our old toilet brushes got pitched, and Sissy was super excited to be the first one to use the new brush I got. I graciously allowed her to break it in.

Mr. Bug spent a couple of hours one of his days at home to get my curtains hung for me. It was nice not to have the feeling the neighbors were judging me for watching The Good Wife. What? It's an addicting show!


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