
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sing Them to Sleep

When I was little, we watched movies like Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, and The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band (which I’ve already mentioned once.) One of the things we loved about those movies was the music. Great songs like “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” “Do Re Mi,” and “Secret Love” are among my favorites.

One of the things I have loved doing with my kids is singing them some of those great old songs. Bedtime is one of the most stressful times of the day for me, but I have found that taking the extra few minutes and singing them some soothing songs makes a real difference in helping them settle into bed.

Our go-to songs at bedtime are “Stay Awake” from Mary Poppins and “Edelweiss” from The Sound of Music. Nine times out of ten, Judah is asleep by the end of the first song. Obviously, I’m magic just like Mary Poppins, but it’s also such a lovely song (even when I sing it) that they just lay there and soak it up.

Next time you’re getting the munsters ready for bed and you think a nice mellow song would help them wind down a bit, might I strongly recommend these? They are magic, since Mary Poppins and Captain von Trapp sang them. : )


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